Hii Students, if You Are Looking for an IGNOU Assignment front page a4 size pdf or IGNOU cover page pdf, then you have come to the right palace. We are going to share five types of first-page pdf you can download anyone by your choice. This post will also tell you how to fill in course details on these. And if you want to prepare the front page by yourself, we will discuss how to do it with pen and paper.Important Things To Include In Assignment Front Page
यदि आप इग्नू असाइनमेंट फ्रंट पेज ए4 साइज पीडीएफ या इग्नू कवर पेज पीडीएफ की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आप सही महल में आए हैं। हम पांच प्रकार के प्रथम-पृष्ठ पीडीएफ साझा करने जा रहे हैं, आप अपनी पसंद से किसी को भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। यह पोस्ट आपको यह भी बताएगी कि इन पर पाठ्यक्रम विवरण कैसे भरें। और अगर आप स्वयं मुख पृष्ठ तैयार करना चाहते हैं, तो हम चर्चा करेंगे कि इसे कलम और कागज से कैसे करें।
  1. Title of the Assignment.
  2. Topic of assignment.
  3. Name of professor.
  4. Students’ name and roll number.
  5. Student’s registration number.
  6. Department in which the student is registered.

5 tips on how to start your assignment

  1. Set realistic goals and reminders. Make goals for your study – how many days do you have, and what will you get done each day or each week?
  2. Start when you’re feeling fresh.
  3. Clarify what is required.
  4. Be flexible and learn as you go.
  5. Get something on paper.


The following details are mandatory on the ignou assignment front page: fill them in carefully. Programme Code(It is the code In which you took the Admission, e.g. BAG, BCA, MEG, MCA, MBA etc.) Course Code(Subject Code, Every Programme has multiple Course Codes in a session like BCS-12, BEGLA-136, MCO-01 etc.)

The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.


Types of IGNOU Assignment Front Page pdf Download Any One

Our Recommendation:- You can use any pdf from the above, all are having required details which should be on the cover pages, but we recommend you use the first one that is not having extra fields. and if you want to make a First page by your-self by pen-paper then let’s start how to do that.

How to Make Handwritten Assignment Front Page

If you don’t want to print the front page, you can prepare it yourself. It is not compulsory to print out the pdf. You can make it by yourself and submit it, but remember there must be all details fulfilled related to the students and programme so the teacher can identify the particular student correctly.

How To Fill IGNOU Assignment Cover Page Details ?

When you start writing your assignment, the first thing you need to do is to complete the First page. This includes all the essential information about Student and Programme. The following details are mandatory on the ignou assignment front page: fill them in carefully.

  1. Programme Code(It is the code In which you took the Admission, e.g. BAG, BCA, MEG, MCA, MBA etc.)
  2. Course Code(Subject Code, Every Programme has multiple Course Codes in a session like BCS-12, BEGLA-136, MCO-01 etc.)
  3. Course Title(Every Course has a Title Like Hindi Sahitya, English in Daily Life, etc.)
  4. Assignment Number/Assignment Code/Session(you will get this code on IGNOU Assignment Question paper)
  5. Study Center Code(You Will get Study Center Code on IGNOU Identity Card)
  6. Student Name(Student name as IGNOU ID Card)
  7. Enrollment Number(You Will Find Enrollment Number on Student ID Card)
  8. Phone Number(Student Phone Number)
  9. Submission Date(Assignment Submission date)
  10. Signature(Student Signature)

    What Is Assignment Number ?

    The assignment number and assignment code both are the same things on the IGNOU assignment cover page. This helps the teacher to identify which session the student belongs to and for which session exams the student submitted the assignment. For example, if your course code is BCOS-183 and you are having your exams in June/Dec 2022, then your assignment number/assignment code will be like this BCOS-183/TMA/21-22, where TMA Stands for Tutor Marked Assignments. You will find the assignment number on your IGNOU assignment question paper, as seen in the image below.

    assignment number

    इग्नू के असाइनमेंट कवर पेज पर असाइनमेंट नंबर और असाइनमेंट कोड दोनों एक ही हैं। यह शिक्षक को यह पहचानने में मदद करता है कि छात्र किस सत्र से संबंधित है और किस सत्र की परीक्षा के लिए छात्र ने असाइनमेंट जमा किया है। उदाहरण के लिए, अगर आपका कोर्स कोड BCOS-183 है और आपकी परीक्षा जून/दिसंबर 2022 में है, तो आपका असाइनमेंट नंबर/असाइनमेंट कोड इस तरह होगा BCOS-183/TMA/21-22, जहां TMA का मतलब ट्यूटर मार्क है कार्य। आपको अपने इग्नू के असाइनमेंट प्रश्न पत्र पर असाइनमेंट नंबर मिलेगा, जैसा कि नीचे दी गई छवि में देखा गया है।


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